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Ensure that you are an adult, i.e. 18 years of age at least before sending queries or contacting our agents through the website. It is also your responsibility to ensure that the information and personal details provided by you are accurate. The information of property listings on our website is issued by third parties such as developers and builders. The responsibility for the accuracy of such information and property listings is upon the third parties. We do not engage or interfere in the communications between the agents and the clients at any stage. It is also your responsibility to satisfy yourself that all the information and descriptions provided by the agents about the properties are accurately displayed. The agents are also responsible for ensuring the accuracy, transparency and integrity of the information and descriptions on the website. We list the properties in good faith through the developers and agents. Hence, we do not provide any guarantees or warranties about verification and representation of the properties, whether they are expressed or implied. The property advertisements on the website do not ensure property specifications and they can be gained directly from the agents promoting the property.

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The content on this website has been displayed on an ‘as is’ basis which means we do not provide any guarantee towards any expressed or implied warranties, with or without limitation, towards the quality, reliability, completeness, accuracy, compatibility, timeliness, purpose, access and use. We do not provide any advice concerning the contents of the website that may be financial and investment related. We also do not endorse, recommend or provide guarantees towards any properties, content and products presented on the website. We provide no guarantees that this website will operate without any faults, interruptions and continuously. We do not accept any liability for loss of service or interruptions that may have to be made necessarily for conducting maintenance on the website. The estimates of properties and services are estimated values only and should not be considered for commercial transactions. The estimates are based on publicly available information which may or may not be accurate or complete. Any factors that may be unknown to us or you would not be included in the estimates and hence, advice from a professional like a solicitor or surveyor before any commercial transactions is recommended. We hold no responsibility or liability for any losses occurring as a result of the use or inability to use this website and its contents. We hold no responsibility or liability for the revenue, profits, sales, business, or losses in the form of business interruption, business opportunity, anticipated savings, reputation, goodwill, or other consequential damages caused by the use of this website and its contents. We hold no liability and responsibility for the websites and their content that have been linked to this website as we do not endorse such links and their contents in any manner.


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The contract between us and the user of the website is created in the UAE because the terms of use of this site are governed by the laws of the United Arab Emirates (UAE). If there are any disputes, they shall be settled by the courts of the UAE. However, we may refer to the relevant jurisdiction to take action for enforcing our intellectual property rights.


The headings mentioned in terms of use are for convenience purposes only. Any failure or delay in enforcement of any rights as per these Terms of Use shall not be construed as a waiver of such rights. We do not hold liability for a breach in terms of use that are caused as a result of factors not in our control. The terms of use described herein shall not be considered as a partnership, joint venture, or an agency-based relationship between you and us which means that neither of us has the right to enter into any arrangements, contracts, debts, costs, or liabilities on behalf of one another.

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Binary tower, business bay,
Dubai, UAE


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At Seventh Key, we believe that real estate is not merely about buying or selling property, it’s about fulfilling dreams, fostering growth, and building legacies.


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